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Why do we need to know the big story of the Bible?
Because it's our story! It tells us where we came from, who we are, what we're made for, and where life's heading. It shows us what went wrong with the world and how it'll all be made right again. Most of all, it shows us who God is and how we can have a restored relationship with him. The big story of the Bible offers answers to so many of the questions we're asking (or really should be asking).
Walk through the Word is 10 sessions exploring the story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Each session is 30-40 mins long and walks through a section of the story. The sessions are live on Zoom 7:30-9pm Mon 22nd - Fri 26th Feb 2021 and we'd love you to join us using the link below. Please feel free to keep your camera off and remain muted, just sit back and take it all in. The sessions will also all be available on YouTube shortly afterwards. There's also a handbook to go with the sessions which can be found below.
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